
Always God causes the realities of the spiritual world to be revealed in the physical world.

The Lord was with him (Joseph). Reading Genesis chapter 39, some eight times in this chapter, in one way or the other, it is said that the Lord was with Joseph. Joseph himself first knew that the Lord was with him from the moment God gave him the dream which aroused the hatred of his brothers. Also eight speaks of Resurrection, so it tells us that whatever happened to Joseph, no matter how adverse it seemed that at the moment, a resurrection was coming. I considered this resurrection to be an “ELEVATION”.

Lessons Learned:

1) Revelation: We have a duty to know and trust that God is really with us. This revelation gives us real assurance.

2) Availability: There is no obedience without individual availability. This availability is to search the holy scriptures, meditate on them and practice them. Joseph demonstrated this in verse 9: “How can I do so great harm and sin against God ?” Joseph knew the laws of God because he made himself available by meditating on the word of God, and God used him to experience the obedience of God. In our lives, we must make ourselves available to experience this obedience from God.

3) Obedience: 1 Sam 15:22 tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice. Obedience is what characterizes all men of faith, from Abraham, the father of believers, to us Christians today. Paul had received his apostolate “for the obedience of faith among all nations” (Rom 1: 5).

Look at the result of Saul’s disobedience: “Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also rejected you as king” (1 Sam. 15:23). Formerly, in Gilgal, the Lord had said to Saul through Samuel: “Your kingdom shall not endure” (1 Sam. 13:14). Now the final blow is struck: “God has rejected Saul”.

The schema  : From Revelation to Availability; from Availability to Obedience; and from Obedience to Elevation.

Now that God has revealed Himself to me and I have the assurance that God is truly with me, I will make myself available to God so that God will use me to experience obedience and to lead me to the eventual elevation.


Evg. Koffi J. Bessan