Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken!”
Luke 24:25-27.

Many believers have an intellectual knowledge that Jesus is their redeemer from sin, sickness and judgment through His completed work on the cross. However, they are very slow to really believe this truth in their heart. Since they are slow to believe this truth in their heart, most Christians are struggling with guilt, fear and failure. Mere intellectual knowledge about the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ is not enough, rather your heart should be quick in believing in all His promises for you.

This is the very reason we study God’s word. It is not simply to accumulate Bible trivia and historical facts, but more so to cultivate a constant revelation of Jesus that in turn feeds our heart to quicken right believing in Him.

How do we do this? We can do this with the help of the Holy Spirit! When you are studying the scriptures, you can pray a simple prayer “Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see Jesus in the Word today.” This is what the word of God is all about: revealing Jesus Christ, the Messiah. What is setting us free is not just the truth, but the knowledge of the truth (John 8:32). We know that truth is a person. Jesus Christ is the truth personified among us (John 14:6). Intimate knowledge of Jesus through the scriptures will set you free.

The scriptures are all written to know Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and by knowing Him, you may have life in His name (John 20:30-31). When you see Him in the scriptures through the lens of the mercy and the grace of God that was made available for us through the finished work of the cross, then faith will arise, and your mind will be renewed with the truths and promises available for you.

If you want to see the power of the new covenant and the power of resurrection in every dimension of your life, you need to be quick to believe in His mercy, His grace, His love, His righteousness, His forgiveness, and His complete finished work. You will be transformed beyond your wildest imagination if you dare to radically meditate on His unconditional love for you which was demonstrated on the Cross. Quicken your heart to believe in Jesus Christ today and you will get all these benefits: (His mercy, His grace, His love, His righteousness, His forgiveness, and His complete finished work at the cross).

Evg. Koffi J. Bessan


By | 2020-10-03T18:51:14-05:00 January 17th, 2020|0 Comments

About the Author:

Ordained Minister, Apostle Koffi J. Bessan engages in the ministry of reconciliation!

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